Use of cookies

This website stores cookies on your system. Cookies are small text files which are read by your browser. The table below contains a description of which cookies are used and why. Your browser has options to remove and block cookies. For more information on privacy and the protection of your personal data, visit OCLC Privacy Policy.

Name Description
COOKIE Placed after logging in to this website. Depending on the session, it stores data like ip address, location and name. Storing of this cookie is necessary for the access to and operation of the services. This cookie expires at the end of the session or when you close the browser.
DB Placed when accessing this website. Stores which database you are searching. This cookie expires at the end of the session or when you close the browser.
PSC_x.xx Placed when accessing this website. Stores data like language code and layout of the user interface. Storing of this cookie is necessary for the access to and operation of the services. This cookie expires at the end of the session or when you close the browser.
